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  • Grace Fellowship | Online & In-Person

    TOP OF PAGE OUR MISSION ONLINE RESOURCES Welcome IN-PERSON & ONLINE EVERY SUNDAY MORNING WE GATHER AS A CHURCH FAMILY TO WORSHIP ON CAMPUS. Y OU CAN ALSO JOIN US ONLINE LIVE OR ANY TIME AFTER OUR 11AM SERVICE. THE NURSERY OPENS AT 9:00 AM AND THE KIDS WILL BE DISMISSED TO THEIR CLASS RIGHT AFTER THE MUSIC DURING EACH SERVICE. TWO SERVICE TIMES EVERY SUNDAY IN PERSON 9:15AM & 11AM LIVE ONLINE SUNDAYS AT 11AM PRAYER & PRAISE PAST SERVICES ONLINE GIVING NEW AROUND HERE? CONNECT CARD OR EMAIL US AT CONNECT@GRACEDUARTE.COM WATCH ON YOUTUBE WATCH LIVE! YOUTUBE CHANNEL RESOURCES right now media "RightNow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies" 10,000+ Bible Study Videos. Instantly stream biblical teaching to your home TV, computer or your mobile device. Best of's FREE! We're footing the bill for you! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP! (IT'S FREE!) GRACE FELLOWSHIP | FAMILY Stay engaged with your church family by joining our closed Facebook Group. Here we can connect with each other, comment on each other's posts and keep each other up to date with what's going on in our lives and our community. WORSHIP AT HOME | PLAYLIST A great way to keep your focus on The Lord in this season and maintain the right perspective is to keep the Worship Music going in your home! Rejoice through the good and the bad and give him Glory! Here's a playlist we put together to help with that. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN AND FOLLOW! ONLINE RESOURCES OUR MISSION Our mission is to glorify God by continually striving to present every person complete in Christ through introducing people to Jesus, growing toward Christian maturity, developing as ministers, and mobilizing for local and world missions. OUR MOTTO LOVING God LovING People ChangING The World OUR MISSION GOT Questions? office@grac eduarte. com

  • Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA

    Sermons Uploaded Every Sunday Pastor Doug Spriggs is currently taking us on a journey called "This Is Awkward" where we cover what the Bible says about Politics, Money and even Sex. Tune in live on Youtube Sundays at 11AM or check out the podcast any time after for a listen to any of the past sermons. LISTEN TO SERMON WATCH SERMON Weekly Podcasts Uploaded Every Thursday Our mid-week podcast is back with a new name! "Growing Past Sundays" also know as the GPS Pod, helps give us a guide on how to navigate through this tough Christian walk we are on. We cover everything from daily life encounters to big picture thinking and try to have some fun while doing it. New episodes can be found every Thursday morning on Spotify or Apple Podcasts LISTEN TO GPS POD

  • UPLOAD | gracefellowhsip

    GRACE FELLOWSHIP FILE UPLOAD Were you asked to send us a file, a photo or a video? If so, then you're at the right place. Just click on the link below and follow the prompts. CLICK TO UPLOAD

  • Uploads | gracefellowhsip

    GRACE FELLOWSHIP FILE UPLOAD Were you asked to send us a file, a photo or a video? If so, then you're at the right place. Just click on the link below and follow the prompts. CLICK TO UPLOAD

  • Grace Fellowship | Men's Ministry

    Great things can happen when a band of brothers comes together for a purpose greater than themselves. Battles can be won. Communities can be transformed. Families can be healthy again. But we can’t do it alone. God has a powerful calling on your life as a man. He wants to change the world through you - Through us! Let’s stand together and become the men God created us to be. God can do amazing things in and through men who are marching together with each other and with Him. Questions? men's MINISTRY WHAT WE DO men's BIBLE STUDY One of the most practical ways to get involved in our Men’s Ministry is by attending our weekly Saturday Morning Bible Study. This Bible Study has proven to be very beneficial in not only learning foundational principles of our faith but also in getting to know one another. Saturday Morning Bible Study | 8AM - 9:30AM On Break through February. Christian World View Class | Saturdays 10AM - 11:30AM January 11th - February 15th we are holding a 6 week class on Christian World View for all adults. (Child care will be provided for those who attend) Retreats & Special Events Our Men’s Ministry hosts several events throughout the year. From our annual Men’s Retreat to our special events like golfing and barbecuing. There are plenty of opportunities to get together and grow in spiritual maturity with each other. RELATIONSHIP We believe that all of ministry should be done through relationships. So, we encourage everyone to get involved by volunteering or joining a Grace Group so that you can start building relationships with other men. We believe that God uses these relationships to strengthen the body of Christ and build the church.

  • Memorial Service Live Stream | Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA

    WATCH LIVE Memorial Service for Barbara Beachman-Henderson NOVEMBER 27, 2021 1:00 PM Live Service from Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA (IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY ISSUES WHILE TRYING TO VIEW THE LIVE STREAM, PLEASE CONTACT AVL@GRACEDUARTE.COM )

  • Grace Fellowship | Worship Team

    For the Christian, all of life is meant to be an act of worship. But there are some special times where we gather to worship God as a Christian community. Our worship team is responsible for making those times all they can be. From musicians and sound engineers to lighting technicians and set-up crews, the Grace Fellowship worship team is dedicated to helping us all exalt the name of Jesus. Questions? Feel free to contact our Worship Director Nick Burns worship ministry WHAT WE DO SUNDAY MORNINGS The goal of our Sunday morning services is to help worshippers connect with and glorify God. One of the primary ways we accomplish this is through music. Our Worship team comes together each week prepared and excited to lead our congregation in musical worship. THE BAND Our band is comprised of members of our church who are gifted to play an instrument and/or sing, and have developed the skill to do so with excellence. We prepare individually all week long and then show up each Sunday, before the first service, to rehearse and put it all together. THE TECH TEAM As an equally important part of our Worship Team, the Tech Team are those who run the Visuals/Video and the Audio (soundboard). They prepare the production during the week (lights, slides, video) and make sure it all runs smoothly during the service to help us worship together.

  • Grace Fellowship Women's Conference 2019 | Living Free

    REGISTER HERE Details GRACE FELLOWSHIP PRESENTS Ladies, you’re invited to join us as we spend time with one another at our upcoming women’s conference! Our heart behind "Living Free" is that we will learn to apply God's Truth and Grace to our Lives! We're excited to hear from some great speakers as they share key components to living the full, abundant lives that Jesus Christ paid for us to have. All women are welcome to gather with us at our Grace Fellowship campus in Duarte, CA. Childcare will not be provided for this event. Advanced registration is required for this event. We will not be accepting registrations at the door. Times FRIDAY, NOV 15 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Doors Open Day One Session SATURDAY, NOV 16 8:00 am 9:00 am Doors Open // Coffee Hour Day Two Session (ending around 4:00 pm) COST $50.00 (Coffee, Snacks & Lunch is included) REGISTER HERE

  • EVENTS | gracefellowhsip

    Upcoming Events KIDS Drive-In Movie Night December 30 I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me. REGISTER

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