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  • Memorial Service Live Stream | Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA

    WATCH LIVE Memorial Service for Barbara Beachman-Henderson NOVEMBER 27, 2021 1:00 PM Live Service from Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA (IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY ISSUES WHILE TRYING TO VIEW THE LIVE STREAM, PLEASE CONTACT AVL@GRACEDUARTE.COM )

  • Grace Fellowship Women's Conference 2019 | Living Free

    REGISTER HERE Details GRACE FELLOWSHIP PRESENTS Ladies, you’re invited to join us as we spend time with one another at our upcoming women’s conference! Our heart behind "Living Free" is that we will learn to apply God's Truth and Grace to our Lives! We're excited to hear from some great speakers as they share key components to living the full, abundant lives that Jesus Christ paid for us to have. All women are welcome to gather with us at our Grace Fellowship campus in Duarte, CA. Childcare will not be provided for this event. Advanced registration is required for this event. We will not be accepting registrations at the door. Times FRIDAY, NOV 15 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Doors Open Day One Session SATURDAY, NOV 16 8:00 am 9:00 am Doors Open // Coffee Hour Day Two Session (ending around 4:00 pm) COST $50.00 (Coffee, Snacks & Lunch is included) REGISTER HERE

  • EVENTS | gracefellowhsip

    Upcoming Events KIDS Drive-In Movie Night December 30 I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me. REGISTER

  • Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA

    1/4 LOVING GOD. LOVING PEOPLE. CHANGING THE WORLD. LATEST SERMON — Listen to the most recent sermon online. NEW TO GRACE? — Here's what you can expect on a typical Sunday morning. WORSHIP — Praising God and helping people connect with Him. GRACE GROUPS — Doing life together & Growing in realtionship with Jesus Christ.

  • Grace Fellowship | Duarte Blood Drive

    Give Blood! What a better way to serve our community here in Duarte than to help replenish the blood supply. The Red Cross is a critical player when it comes to the medical blood supply in the San Gabriel Valley. Be sure to sign-up and partner with us as we strive to make this event a success! NOTE: Proper precautions will be in place to make sure everyone is safe and socially distanced. Please bring your mask. REGISTER HERE

  • Grace Fellowship Church | Youth Ministry in Duarte, CA


  • Easter 2019 | Easter Sunday at Grace Fellowship in Duarte, CA

    Join us at 6:30 pm for a time of extended worship and a brief message from Pastor Doug Spriggs as we worship and reflect on Christ's love for us displayed through His crucifixion. Easter Sunday is our favorite day of the year! We will have our 2 regularly scheduled worship services as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection! Then we will have a massive Easter Egg hunt between the services at 10:15am. Be sure to arrive early so you can find parking and register for the Easter Egg Hunt!

  • Welcome APU Students

    Welcome APU students. Need a ride? Click below and we will direct you to our "dial-a-ride" form. Just fill it out, and we will get back to you and make sure you have a ride setup for Sunday. Click Here Get plugged in. From Grace Groups to Softball and Basketball Teams to our Praise & Worship Team. There's a place for everyone to get plugged in and serve. Click Here

  • Grace Fellowship | Fixers Ministry - Meeting Practical Needs

    The church is not just called to wish people well; we’re called to do what we can to help. The Fixers, are a team dedicated to offering practical help to those in need. We work with our hands and our tools, doing repair work and maintenance. We work on cars, houses, and anything else in need of repair, for those who are not able to do it themselves. So, if you are handy with a toolbox and like to make a difference in people’s lives, this just might be the ministry team for you. If you have a practical need that you don’t have the knowledge or resources to fix, give the Fixers a call. They just might be able to help. Questions? FIXERS WHAT WE DO The NEEDS Simply put, we fix stuff. We have several individuals in our church that are skilled in certain trades and are willing to help those in need. From fixing appliances to helping with lawn care and auto repairs. The heart behind this ministry is to help those that have a practical need and are unable, either physically or financially, to meet that need. While we can’t help everyone fill every need, we are able to help some. So, please reach out by emailing us at BE A FIXER If you have a practical skill that you think could be beneficial to this ministry and you would like to volunteer your services (auto repair, construction, tile, electrical, etc.), then please let us know! You can email

  • Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA

    WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to glorify God by continually striving to present every person complete in Christ through introducing people to Jesus, growing toward Christian maturity, developing as ministers, and mobilizing for local and world missions.

  • Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA

    GRACE GROUPS Grace Groups are the primary way adults at Grace Fellowship minister to each other. The purpose of these groups is to draw people into relationship with each other in such a way that they will do life together. It's very difficult to describe true fellowship, and it's even more difficult to develop. During the course of a session with a Grace Group, you'll experience first-hand what it's like to have your life woven in with the body of Christ. It's not easy, but it is worth it. At Grace Fellowship, we are about loving God, loving people and changing the world. By being a part of a Grace Group you will have the opportunity to do just that. For more information about Grace Groups, contact Pastor Doug .


EVERY SUNDAY (2 Services)

9:15am & 11:00 am



CHURCH OFFICE:  626-358-8516

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